Proven Acupuncture Helping: Infertility, IVF, Natural Conception, Pain, Stress Disorder
Top Rated Fertility Acupuncture Clinic in San Jose, Bay Area
Treatable Conditions
Female & Male Infertility
(difficulty to conceive, miscarriage)
IVF support (canceled cycle, poor response, chromosome abnormality, low AFC, low fertilization rate, slow cell devision, recurrent implantation failure), IUI support
Egg quality, ovulatory dysfunction (High FSH, Low AMH, DOR, POF, PCOS, amenorrhea, etc)
Recurrent miscarriages, unknown early losses
Sperm quality (low motility, poor morphology), low sperm counts, semen liquefaction abnormality
Women health (fibroids, ovarian cysts, painful-abnormal periods, PMS, abnormal cervical mucus, hot flashes-menopause, postpartum depression).
Pain (low back pain, sciatica, neck-shoulder pain, headache, fibromyalgia, more)
Stress - depression - anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, IBS.
Cancer support, Digestion, Immune health, Allergy, Bell's Palsy, more.
Our patients say ...

Message From Dr. Juliet Kwok:
I am grateful that my patients sharing their success stories.
As a result driven Chinese Medicine doctor, I strive for excellence in patient care.
I am deeply honored to be part of my fertility patients' journey of family building, and I am very proud of helping them to become parents.
I consider every patient is unique, and provide effective tailored treatments that meet the individual's health needs.
I look forward to the opportunity helping you to create your own success story one day!
Dr. Kwok understands your pain. She is here to help.
"I was told my only chance is to use donor eggs.
Is there a hope to have our biological child?"
"My last IVF failed, and my AFC was low"
"My AMH is very low, and FSH is too high"
"I am struggling with recurrent early miscarriages"
"I was diagnosed as PCOS. I need help to conceive"
"I am in my early 40s. My husband's sperm quality is poor"
"I never thought getting pregnant is so hard"
"I want to live a life pain free"
Dr. Kwok understands your challenges. She firmly believes that a successful treatment outcome starts from the accurate diagnosis.
She is dedicated to help her patients, making a positive impact. In her own words: "There is nothing more rewarding than experiencing the moments when I touch my patient's life"
Juliet Kwok

From Dr. Kwok: "I am grateful for the opportunity helping my fertility patients to become parents, fulfilling family dreams, living a healthier and happier life!"

"Dr. Kwok is remarkable! She is the champion, advisor and friend you need in your journey. She goes above and beyond for her patients that I have rarely ever seen in physicians. Her knowledge of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine is vast and very effective. We cannot recommend her enough!" - Divya S. (7/18/2021 on Google & Yelp)
"I highly recommend Dr.Kwok! She is highly skilled, very kind and calm. Her clinic is very nice, clean and makes me feel safe with the clinic policy during the pandemic. I was looking for acupuncturist, who is skilled in infertility treatment support. I found her from the web search with best reviews. After the initial consultation with her, I felt great because she is very detail caring person, takes her time to ask questions and listen to what I need and concern. She also makes me feel very comfortable. Dr.Kwok uses acupuncture to support my IVF treatment and I got pregnant with the first IVF cycle. I started acupuncture with her about 4 weeks before starting IVF and I can feel a significant improvement with my body physically and mentally such as better sleeping, better bon appetite, better mood as well as my overall energy is getting better. I am very very happy with the results. I would reccomend Dr.Kwok to everyone. Thank you, Dr. Kwok!" - Kulthida J. (11/2/2020 on Google & Yelp)
"Dr Kwok is a miracle worker in my opinion. I came to her for IVF support after a failed transfer. My first transfer failed in spite of having a high quality embryo. I began to doubt that something in my body was not functioning right and my OB gynac could not find anything wrong with me. I was determined to try something different going forward and reached out to Dr Kwok after reading her reviews. I must say all those reviews are so true and accurate. Dr Kwok recommended I see her a few weeks before my next transfer as pre transfer care can bring positive effects. I wanted to ensure my body is functioning at its best for the next cycle and I am so glad I followed her advise. Her acupuncture sessions have enabled me to bring a positive outcome so far and I continue to see her twice weekly for acupuncture support. She goes above and beyond in her care, always enquires about my health and asks about my OB visits and results, calming me when I am anxious/ nervous about OB visits and I feel as though a caring family support is always looking after me . She is very skilled and so sensitive in her sessions that I never experienced discomfort from the needles. Her sessions tremendously helped me manage nausea and vomiting symptoms. I highly recommend her to every one going through infertility and follow her guidance and knowledge. Her expertise will bring you positive results. Now I feel as though I cannot carry on without her sessions supporting me and wish I had sought her help sooner." - Vrushali M. (11/2/2021 on Google)
"Dr. Kwok is truly an outstanding medical professional! I came to her after getting discouraging AMH and FSH numbers from a fertility clinic and she was able to help me improve my AMH & FSH, antral follicle count, and prepare for and successfully freeze 17 mature eggs in one egg freezing cycle (I was told I would get an estimated 4-7 eggs per cycle from the clinic). Dr. Kwok was patient, attentive, answered all my questions, and gave me many great health tips. The personal attention (reviewing ultrasounds, etc.) and support before, during, and after my egg freezing cycle and retrieval were top notch! I highly recommend Dr. Kwok if you need help with fertility!" - Meghan H. (1/25/2022 on Yelp & Google)
"I cannot say enough positive things about Dr. Kwok. I came to her as my very last resort and she helped me to make a miracle occur. I was told I was not able to even do IVF, unless I was able to increase my egg quantity and quality. I suffered from chronic pancreatitis and liver inflammation from undiagnosed Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction and also caught a clostridium difficile infection during medical treatment. I had the infection 10 months. I had pancreatitis and liver inflammation for 3 years. After corrective surgery, I had 4 eggs on an antral follicle count... only in the left ovary. My right ovary was atrophied. I had masses in my pancreas around 06/2020. I began to make health conscious changes like organic products and food, no nail polish, bye bye lash extensions, no perfume, mostly fish and chicken, quinoa, brown rice, etc. My antral follicle count went up to 9 by 04/2021. However, I retested my AMH and it went from .0035 to .0007 which was dire. I basically said I was already through menopause. My FSH was around 20 and my estradiol around 105 on cycle day 3. Ninety percent of the IVF doctors told me it was impossible to conceive with that AMH... even naturally. I found one doctor who would try with no promises. Anyway, I went to see Dr. Kwok to help improve my IVF success and my generally well being. My hormones gave me horrible PMS, like severe sadness for 10 days. Awful feelings. Well she fixed that! She is wonderful. When I was hopeless, she taught me how to find peace. When I felt overwhelmed, she was calm and tranquil and I absorbed her energy. When things were tough for my fiancé and I she gave advice. She is a wonderful human being. My fiancé and I feel so blessed and fortunate to have found her. I seen Dr. Kwok starting June 2021 after my liver and pancreas was healed. I seen her for about 3 weeks and we parted for travel around mid July 2021. She prescribed excellent herbs. Other acupuncturists had either prepackaged herbal capsules or had a set powder herb prescription for all fertility patients. Dr. Kwok gave me herbs custom to my needs only. I used raw herbs which may not have tasted great, but boy did they work. I gave her all my trust and faith. While on travel from mid July until the very end or September, I kept taking the herbs except for two weeks while out of the country. I did have maintenance acupuncture once a week from July to September, except those two weeks again, but the care was nothing compared to Dr. Kwok. It was basic and general. Dr. Kwok communicates with your body. She counts, she feels, she concentrates... she really cares. So, I started back on October 1, 2021 or a few days before, and I was schedule for a new determinative antral follicle count on November 22. I was going to repeat my AMH, FSH, and Estradiol on cycle day 3, November 22 and had planned with an IVF clinic to start on December 9th no matter what my levels were. It would be $19,000. Well, Dr. Kwok asked me to test for pregnancy November 19th... she never asked me to do that but she felt a reaction from my body during acupuncture... she communicates with your body! It's magical! Well, before my antral follicle count, before my hormone tests, BEFORE IVF... I am pregnant NATURALLY! I found out on the day she told me to test... November 19th! Well my fiancé and I cried and then when we shared the news with her... she cried happy tears as well. She really cares. Please trust her. I never knew whether my AMH, FSH, and Estradiol got better... but I guess the numbers don't matter. I meditated, I envisioned what I wanted, what I needed, and with Dr. Kwok and my fiancé, the impossible became a miracle. Funny thing, I called an IVF clinic on November 9... they refused to see me saying the doctor said he has NEVER seen a women conceive with my hormone levels in his 30 years of practicing... well Doc, I was already pregnant and didn't know it! Keep the faith, have trust, and try, try, try to relax. Dr. Kwok is someone I hold very dear to my heart and will never, ever forget. I'll remember her every time I think about how my baby came into being. She's so wonderful. Her energy is intoxicating. You can't help but be happy around her. Thank you Dr. Kwok. We are forever grateful for the family you helped us have!" - Toni L. (12/6/2021 on Yelp)
"My partner and I decided to start trying to a baby in July of 2021, and surprisingly (since I was just got off birth control the week after we decided), I got pregnant instantly! However, our happiness and excitement ended in a short week.. we lost our baby at 5 weeks. We had continue trying after the recommended three months by my OB however, nothing happened. We were starting to feel hopeless. In late January 2022/early February, after talking to some friends, they have recommended using acupuncture. I found Dr Kwok on Google and looked through her reviews and decided that we should give it a try. I was very hesitant about it at first, as I have tried acupuncture before for my back problems, and I absolutely did not like it. However, I went ahead and scheduled a free phone consultation to just get some more info. During the call, she explained that since I had a miscarriage, my body needs to reset, but usually it should not take more than 3 months (we were at about 6-7 months post miscarriage). So she felt that my body is in need of help from acupuncture. I also explain to her, that we were on a slight time schedule, because we were getting married in March 2023. I had let her know that we were hoping to be pregnant in the next month or two, that way the baby will be here before the wedding, and I would not be pregnant during the wedding or shortly before the wedding. Dr Kwok was very informant of what the process will be like, and she very honestly told me that with the timeline, we may not achieve the results that I want because it usually takes 3 cycles for one's body to respond to treatment. However, she will try her best to help. As you could probably imagine, I was very hesitant due to that answer, but I still decided to try. We did a "expedited" and more intense treatment process - I was seeing her twice a week, every week - since we needed my body to respond ASAP and because of my miscarriage; I also took some herbal powder supplements that she recommended to help. By the end of the first cycle, we took a look at my BBT chart and with the trend that it had, Dr Kwok was fairly certain that I had implanted, however the egg did not stick to the uterus. She was more than excited that this had happened, because as said before, it usually takes three months for the body to respond, and amazingly, it just took one for me. We had our fingers crossed that the pregnancy will take for our second cycle, AND LO AND BEHOLD, it DID! On April 15, 2022, we got our positive pregnancy test! My partner and I were over the moon, and very emotional when we saw the positive test. Yesterday, June 27, 2022, marks 14 weeks! We are due Dec 26, 2022. We are more than thankful to Dr Kwok for our (belated) "Christmas" gift Thank you, Dr Kwok, for all your hard work and care!" - Alexis L. (6/28/2022 on Yelp)
"Dr. Kwok is amazing! She explains things thoroughly, clearly, and in a concise manner. She is always so pleasant and professional. She always asks questions and answers all questions I have before the treatments. She is really care about her patients. With the treatments she provided to me, they helped to support my pregnancy and made my first semester smoother. I trust and highly appreciate her knowledge and advice. Would highly recommend her!" - Nhu T. (5/13/2024 on Google & Yelp)
"Dr. Kwok is truly amazing. I came to her after 8 months of trying to conceive. She told me during my first couple of visits it would take around 3 months of acupuncture to see results and what do you know, that third month, I fell pregnant! I highly recommend going with the herbal tea she would prescribe you. The first two months I did not do it but decided in the third month to try it and really feel that was one of the reasons I fell pregnant. I continued to see her once a week after falling pregnant and I really do think that is the reason my pregnancy has been so easy with no morning sickness, pains or food aversions. I can't recommend her highly enough and how Chinese medicine can truly help the body!" - Allison W. (3/24/2022 on Google)
"Before I found Dr. Kwok, I had experienced one miscarriage and one failed IVF cycle due to the chromosome abnormality. I knew that I need additional support other than just relying on the western medical treatments. After following the suggestions from Dr. Kwok by having the acupuncture 2 times a week along with the raw herbs medicine for about 2.5 months, my follicle counts increased more than double for my second IVF cycle. Even though none of my embryos passed the PGTA testing for this cycle but I definitely saw the light and hope again which makes me confident enough to continue the 3rd IVF cycle because I have seen my body clearly responded to Dr. Kwok’s treatments and the critical improvements comparing with my first IVF cycle. In the past, I worked with other acupuncturists for my fertility concerns and didn’t find any of those acupuncturists to perform the acupuncture as how Dr. Kwok does it. She is extremely concentrated and focused while she put the needles into the patient's body. She strongly believes that her energy level is also a key factor for the patient to receive her treatment. We all know IVF isn’t cheap and it doesn’t guarantee a 100% result. I’ve found Dr. Kwok’s advice very helpful and effective during the IVF journey. She is a very detail-oriented professional and cares about your health more than you do. I would like highly recommend her treatments if you are struggling with egg quality and chromosome abnormality issues like me. 在开始郭医师治疗前,我已经换过了2,3 位中医师,还经历了一次流产跟一次没有成功的IVF (没有健康的囊胚) 判断原因都是由于卵子质量不佳而造成染色体异常。基于这样的动机加上大部分Ivf 诊所也都会建议配合针灸来增加试管疗程的成功机率,我又开始寻找更适合的中医师。咨询过后,郭医师建议我一周两次的针灸再配合中药调理,两个半月之后我做了第二次的试管,非常惊喜的是我的卵泡数量增加了2倍,虽然最后我层层筛选下的6个囊胚还是没有通过 PGTA的检测,但我看到了很明确的进展跟希望也决定继续我第三次的试管疗程。 我之前看过的中医师或针灸师,在下针时都不像郭医师一般仔细和温柔。郭医师每次都会细心诊脉并对症施针,下针时屏气凝神,这些都是许多湾区其他中医师忽略的细节。 以我自己的经验,进到试管疗程的朋友已经在心理上跟经济上承担了不少的压力,试管疗程只是增加怀孕的机率但不能保证100%成功,郭医师在我的ivf疗程中给予我许多非常实用的建议和指导也消除我不少的疑问,如果你也跟我一样有卵子质量的问题,可以考虑郭医师进行咨询跟做进一步的治疗。" - Lisa C. (6/28/2022 on Google)
"I highly recommend Dr. Kwok. She's amazingly patient and she's very thorough. My husband and I came to see Dr. Kwok for fertility treatment. Although both of us are in good health, we had our share of fertility issues. I am turning 41 and my husband had a vasectomy/reversal. Before we came to see Dr. Kwok, we went through 4 IUI and 2 IVF with no success. After the 2nd round of IVF, the side effects of the drugs caused me to have hair loss, irregular menstruation cycles, bloating, and poor quality sleep. Although our fertility physician urged us to try again, we knew my body needs a break. We decided to try homeopathic treatment. We found Dr. Kwok through web search. Dr. Kwok uses acupuncture, herbal treatment, and she suggested life style changes. She suggested we shouldn't try to conceive right way. Instead, we should focus on becoming healthier. We have been under her care for a little over two months now. My difference is very noticeable. I slept better. My menstruation cycles are becoming more regular and my hair regained some volume. My husband's recent sperm analysis shows significant improvement too. We are very please with the results. Hopefully we will have good news soon." - Diana T. (5/5/2020 on Yelp & Google)
"I first met Juliet when she was in her last year of internship. At the time, I came to the school clinic for help with my chronic low back pain that I had after my miscarriage. I was just lucky that I was assigned to Juliet. After my first acupuncture, my back was much better. When I saw Juliet again, I shared with her that I was having some issues to conceive, and I wasn't sure if this had something to do with my age or my miscarriage. She told me that she will modify her approach, and started treating me for the same root cause of my multiple problems ... back pain and infertility. I thought that would be great. Then what really surprised me, in such a wonderful way, was that I got pregnant three months after! My spouse and I could not thank Juliet enough for what she had done to help me and our family." - Annie Y. (2017)
"I have been seeing Dr. Kwok for fertility acupuncture and have noticed amazing changes in my cycle and pms symptoms already. After the first treatment, I felt hungry for the first time in my life, always struggled with eating disorders due to poor appetite. Only after 3 treatments, I have noted increase in fertile CM, which I have not had since my 20s, and reduced pms symptoms: no more super sore breasts, bloating, or back cramps. My cycles have been irregular before but thus far it would start right on time. Dr. Kwok is very knowledgeable, kind, and caring. I feel that she truly wants to improve patient’s health as a whole and not just a specific issue you are dealing with. She provides recommendations on life style changes as well to complement the treatment. I’m excited about all the improvements in my cycle I’m seeing since I started acupuncture treatment with Dr. Kwok! Thank you for your knowledge and expertise, Dr. Kwok!!" - Bogdana R. (2/14/2021 on Google)
“Dr. Kwok provides goes above and beyond with her quality of care and communication. I have never felt so cared for by a medical professional. I found her in January after an uncomfortable experience at another acupuncture clinic. I had decided I would feel more comfortable with a Chinese doctor and after browsing her website, Dr. Kwok seemed like a better match for me. She responded promptly after I reached out and I was able to schedule a consultation with her the following day! She took the time to understand my infertility diagnosis (PCOS) and upcoming treatment (IUI). So different from the rushed feeling I usually have at the doctor's office! I would go on to receive care from Dr. Kwok for the next several months. I saw her for acupuncture, she prescribed me moxa treatment and Chinese herbal medicine. The acupuncture sessions were truly amazing! I would often fall asleep and always left feeling refreshed. Dr. Kwok was so kind to accommodate my busy schedule by seeing me on the weekends and later in the afternoon. I found the pricing to be definitely fair and lower than other places. The moxa and Chinese herbs also supported my body condition. Dr. Kwok recommended specific stores where I would receive good service and pricing. She also provided me with nutrition and lifestyle guidance to support my fertility and overall health. Dr. Kwok's communication is also outstanding. She responded to my questions over text quickly and always remembered to check in after a treatment. She really made me feel like her patient and that she cared. I wasn't just a number. I am so thankful for Dr. Kwok's outstanding care. With her help, I was able to address my PCOS and balance my hormone levels. Over the summer, I completed my first IVF treatment and both the egg retrieval and transfer had incredible results! Dr. Kwok is not only an amazing doctor, she is a kind and caring human being. I feel so lucky to have found her.” — Megan T. (9/19/2021 on Yelp)
"Dr. Kwok is the quintessential patient advocate and skilled practitioner. I initially engaged Dr. Kwok after several failed ARTs. My FSH levels had increased and my AMH levels had decreased. After a few months of acupuncture and herbal therapy with Dr. Kwok, I regained stable levels of both hormones to a degree that offers me some hope that I may still be able to conceive. Furthermore, Dr. Kwok treats all related and underlying issues whereas other doctors may dismiss or refer out when you mention concerns about related health problems. For example, I have been suffering from chronic menstrual pain for over 20 years at a pain level 10 (likely endometriosis). I had asked 4 different OB/GYNs about this and they either prescribed pain killers or contraceptives, none of which worked. Dr. Kwok focused the first two months of my treatment solely on my endometriosis. I can confidently say that I no longer suffer from chronic menstrual pain, and I am able to move about pain-free and live a happy and healthy life every single day! I highly recommend Dr. Kwok and Harmony Acupuncture!" - Teresa K. (10/21/2021 on Google & Yelp)
"Dr Kwok truly cares about the well-being of her clients. She went above and beyond to help me with multiple issues. This was my first time trying acupuncture and was pleasantly surprised on how quickly and positively my body responded to the treatment. Dr. Kwok was always very professional and open to answering all of my questions throughout the process. I always felt safe and supported in her office. I appreciate everything that Dr. Kwok did for me and would not hesitate to utilize her services again in the future." - Dionne S. (11/13/2023 on Google)
"I’ve been seeing Juliet for a few months and I highly recommended her! I’d been wanting to try acupuncture for a while and when I came across her website I knew it would be a good fit. Our initial call was very informative and helpful, I could tell Juliet genuinely cared and would do everything in her power to provide the best care. Once I started going in for sessions, we had decided on a treatment plan to tackle a large fibroid I had (we wanted to reduce the size). We started with weekly acupuncture, followed by herbal medicine. I will say, the herbs didn’t taste like candy but I was willing to hang in there for the end result and I’m sure glad I did. After about 3 months of treatment I had my fibroid re-checked and its volume had reduced to about half the original size! My specific type of fibroid is rather stubborn (pedunculated fibroid), so I was extra pleased with these results and am continuing regular acupuncture sessions (it’s so relaxing). Juliet is very knowledgeable in her field and is always willing to help however she can. Thanks again, Juliet!!" - Rochelle B. (11/6/2020 on Google & Yelp)
"Dr. Kwok, has been the very first medicine practitioner who has ever truly helped me! I happen to be in the 15 -20% of the world's population who is a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), who has often been misdiagnosed and misunderstood! Dr. Kwok, truly listens, takes her time, and is highly skilled in her field. Presently, I am completely free of all Menopausal symptoms, for the first time in 7 years (without hormones or any medications). This happened after my very first appointment with her. Thank you Dr. Kwok! You are a true healer." - Melissa M. (12/28/2019 on Google & Yelp)
"Dr Kwok is an outstanding TCM doctor. She is a person with wisdom, passion, knowledge and ethics, which makes her stand out from her colleagues. The areas Dr. Kwok specializes include sports injury, infertility, and emotional disorders. She is very dedicated to her patients and really cares about their recovery. Dr. Kwok helped me with my long-term depression, anxiety and insomnia. The approaches she uses are holistic that incorporate lifestyle change, diet, herbs and acupuncture. She embraces the idea that recovery mostly depends on the patients themselves and treatments by any means are only auxiliary. I'm really impressed by how far I've come. Even a brief talk with her is inspirational and helpful to me." – Emily F. (12/11/2019 on Google)
"I suffered sciatic pain for 5 years. I tried many ways to relief the pain but nothing worked. I made an appointment with Dr. Juliet and the first day she put me out of pain and I was able to walk straight. Thank you from the bottom of my heart I appreciate what you have done for me I wouldn't be healed if it wasn't for you...." - Ruth Carrillo (7/25/2019 on Yelp)
"I’ve been experiencing immense pain for the last five years, I’ve tried so many treatments to no avail and without any end in sight. The acupuncture treatment I received here with Dr. Juliet lowered my pain significantly and allowed me to get back to my life. I would also like to praise Dr. Juliet for the attention she gave me and for not just dismissing my physical pain. I cannot articulate how grateful I am and would highly recommend her treatments." - Ruth C. (7/4/2019 on Google)
"Experiencing prolonged back pain was both worrying and frustrating, especially when the pain started traveling down my legs intermittently. I found Dr. Kwok out of sheer luck (thank goodness for Google) -- and after the first session, my pain dramatically decreased. I woke up the next morning feeling like I'd slept better than I had in weeks. Over the following days, I noticed my increased energy. Shortly after the second treatment, I was feeling so much better that I became a convert and looked forward to future treatments. You might be a little skeptical; in truth, I was too, at first. But I couldn't deny the results. Bonus: Dr. Kwok looks at your health holistically, so you could end up talking about things like meditation, diet, and stress management." - Caroline C. (9/30/2019 on Google)
“My hand was frozen with excruciating pain. Juliet unfroze it in just one treatment, and my hand became pain free. Juliet is truly a miracle worker. I have continued acupuncture treatment on a maintenance program to help with discomfort/pain in my right shoulder. I am 84 years old and have "over-used" my shoulder with the passing years of raising 6 children, riding endurance equestrian to a world record, knitting, crocheting and quilting ... besides my accounting practice. Dr. Juliet has improved my I.B.S. (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and dramatically improved my digestive problems ... Tuesday is the very best day of the week, because that is when I go see Dr. Juliet for acupuncture." – Trilby P. (1/15/2019 on Google)
"I have suffered from chronic rhinitis due to allergy or cold since college. Each spring and fall it would get much worse that sometimes I could hardly breathe through my nose. I had to use allergic medicine and saline mist to keep my nose happy. Then I decided to try acupuncture with Dr. Juliet to help with my nose as well as my back pain. After just a few treatments, I feel my stuffy nose problem was gone! I feel that I had never breathed so easily with my nose in my whole life! It was like magic! Thank you very much Dr. Juliet! My chronic back pain is also much better now with her acupuncture treatments. If you suffer from allergy, pain, or depression, etc., I would highly recommend Dr. Juliet to you. She is really one of the best Chinese medicine practitioner in the Bay Area." – Yizhen Z. (2/24/2019 on Google & Yelp)
“I suffer from chronic fibromyalgia and have injuries in my knees and shoulder/rotator cuff. Juliet has done a wonderful job in helping me manage my pain and mobility with her acupuncture abilities and her recommendation of herbs. The herbal treatment also really helped with maintaining my energy level throughout the day. The treatments that I have received have been top notch. She really knows how to treat patients from a holistic approach, not only focusing on the physical but the emotional and mental health as well.” - Nasreen I. (1/28/2019 on Google, posted by Nasreen's son, Talha I.)
“I had chronic insomnia for many years. Every night I was only able to sleep 2 to 3 hours. The night after I received first acupuncture from Juliet, I slept through for more than 5 hours, and I woke up feeling great. I would recommend her to anyone who needs care from an excellent acupuncturist." – YiZe (Called in 7/2018)
"I have been going to Harmony Acupuncture for about 2 months, and I have felt a lot better. I was having some issues sleeping, and after the first session I saw some improvement, and it has only gotten better. Doctor Juliet has a very kind personality, and she has a very friendly approach to the issue." - Y. Lopez (2/27/2019 on Google)
"I have a demanding job, work hard and travel a lot. For about two years now, I stared experiencing chronic fatigue and panic attacks during flights... Physical exams couldn't tell anything wrong. When I first saw Dr. Kwok, it was more about giving it a try and I wasn't sure if she could help. Now I'm with her for 4 weeks now, combining acupuncture and Chinese herbal treatments, I start to feel a significant improvement. I didn't have panic attacks during my last two long haul flights, and my overall energy level is getting better. I also took this opportunity to relook at my work life balance and made some adjustment, with Dr. Kwok's advice. I am very grateful for this journey. Thank you Dr. Kwok!" - Phil M. (5/29/2019 on Google)
“Dr.Jinming has the healing touch. She really helped get over a facial nerve issue. She was able to diagnose the problem very quickly and helped me get back the facial muscle movement. I appreciate her holistic approach to treating the whole self and being patient to take the time to explain the problem, the diagnosis, and the treatment plan very clearly. Thank you Dr. Jinming!” - Mouli B. (10/9/2019 on Google)
"I came to Dr. Kwok for treating the pain and stiffness from my ankle and back injury. I was impressed with her confident statement of "treating pain is easy" and she delivered it! Right after the first treatment, my pain was lifted and I felt so light! I'm grateful of her holistic approach - not a quick fix, but a long lasting effective way - to prevent my pain from coming back. She also looks at my health as whole, and helps me to incorporate all my daily activities to improve my quality of life. Beside of physical and mental health, I learn from her about metabolic health that I always have problems but overlooked and mistaken it as a minor issue. Dr. Kwok took the time to explain and made sure that she addressed all my questions or concerns. Every encounter with her was very pleasant. I love her genuine caring, honesty, high work ethic standard and flexibility in scheduling. I would highly recommend her to my family and friends." - MyHoa Melanie L. (1/4/2020 on Google, 1/2/2020 on Yelp)
"I had reinjured, a shoulder injury & suffered nagging low back pain. Dr. Juliet began a regiment to treatments which as she explains "treats the body as a whole" if one thing is not functioning well, it will effect the performance of something else. I had treatment for my low back, which also improved the circulation in my feet. The treatment for my shoulder has improved my mobility. Dr. Juliet is a great listener...I have been able to chat with her & not realize I am revealing very personal issues which she is able to understand & offer treatment or feedback. When I first started the Acupuncture treatment I was unsure of how effective it could be for me. Now I am amazed to learn, the body as a whole, functions as one. THANK YOU! Dr. Juliet" - Barbara S. (11/15/2018 on Yelp)
"Dr. Kwok is outstanding! I was under her care for approximately three months. Dr. Kwok is not only attentive, experienced, and knowledgeable in her field but truly takes her time listening to your concerns and needs. One thing I can assure you is that Dr. Kwok is always willing to answer your questions and deliver the best care to you in any way that she can. Through her expertise in herbal medicine and acupuncture I have seen improvements while being treated in her clinic. In addition, I appreciate her availability in the afternoons and Saturday appointments as it makes it easier to correlate with work schedules. With that said, I truly believe Dr. Kwok genuinely cares about her patient’s health and finding ways to get you closer to feeling better physically, mentally, and emotionally. Although I have seen a few acupuncturists in the past, she is the first I have noticed results almost instantly after treatment. I highly recommend Dr. Kwok for her excellence in this field and dedication to improving the lives of her patients!" - Juan G. (8/14/2021 on Google)
"Dr Kwok is the consummate professional, with an outstanding "bedside" manner. She is meticulously clean, and protects her patients during these challenging COVID times by sanitizing her office after each patient. She is a good listener, has a calming, caring presence and is an excellent acupuncturist. We would recommend her, and her treatments to both experienced and new, first time ever patients. Cannot say enough good things about her, really." - Steve R. (3/20/2021 on Google)
"Dr. Kwok has one of the most calming presences I've ever experienced and I am someone who practices yoga multiple time a week. She is also very generous with her time and really listens to patient needs and concerns. This is quite rare in a doctor of any kind. For a very thorough acupuncture experience with focus as well on diet and stress management, I highly recommend Juliet." - Samantha E. (3/19/2020 on Google & Yelp)
"郭锦明中医博士,医理精湛,辩证准确,深入浅出。使人不仅明白自身病症,而且深明治疗后自身调理之精益,患者确实获益良多。郭医师针灸手法精湛,认穴奇准,加以艾灸拔罐等多种治疗,往往手到病除。郭医师非常注重病患的长期体征变化,不断加以追踪指导,以防病在先,确实是湾区不可多得的优秀中医师。" - Li X. (12/12/2018 on Google)
"I met Dr. Juliet while she was in the last year of Acupuncture School. I had many visits to her and I introduced many friends to her. She is very caring, honest and down to earth. Her intention is purely to help you and cure you. I would recommend her highly. I had a visit to her new office two weeks ago and she did a wonderful job of helping me with my problem. I would highly recommend Harmony Acupuncture." - Fatima I. (8/18/2018 on Yelp)
"Dr. Juliet is a wonderful acupuncturist that I'm glad to have her in the healing community! Dr. Juliet is one of the most caring and thorough acupuncturists I know - she is extremely detail oriented and spends quality time with each patient to listen and carefully makes her diagnosis before treatments. I appreciate Dr. Juliet making the extra effort to train in China during her education, and I know that exposure and experience adds to her being a more competent practitioner!" - Annie W. (10/22/2018 on Yelp)
* Disclaimer: Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors.
** Some of our patients' 5-stars Yelp reviews are hidden by Yelp.
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